When working with students who have autism, learning difficulties or behaviours that challenge, hands-on consultation is often the most efficient method of supporting staff and students in schools.
Individual visits to support existing personnel - our consultants will conduct 1 to 3 full day visits to provide feedback and support with individual staff on focused tasks.
Individual student consultation - our consultants will focus on individual students, completing a functional analysis of behaviour and/or an educational evaluation providing recommendations and training, if needed, to support the students needs. The consultants will work with the identified student to establish interventions, strategies and techniques. They will then actively support the teaching staff to continue using the advised techniques. Attendance and consultation on the EHCP and IEP can be part of this type of consultation, working with education staff and the family to develop an appropriate programme. Reports are included to support the evaluation and consultation process.
Creating a nurturing and functional environment - consultants spend the week in the classroom developing individual teaching plans, visual aids and materials to support teaching. The consultants will observe students and set up the classroom during the first three days and will then model and run the interventions on the fourth day. On the fifth day consultants will coach staff through the new classroom set-up and methods. A valuable part of this support package is the problem solving sessions before and after the day the consultants coach the staff.
Programme evaluation - this type of consultation includes working with the SENCO to design and implement an evaluation of the overall set of services provided in regards to the mission and vision of the school as well as students and staff needs. The consultation period typically involves several days of observation on site along with extensive reviews of records, lesson plans and documentation and interviews with staff. A formal report is provided that includes an overview of strengths and weaknesses along with recommendations for resources, training and support.
Fees for consultation are established prior to the visit and are invoiced at a flat rate that includes travel costs.