We pride ourselves in being advocates, advisers and life coaches.
We offer emotional support to our families as well as providing honest and current information to empower them.
During our initial free 30-minute consultation, we can discuss all of your needs and prioritise them accordingly. This can be done in person in the Nottinghamshire/Derbyshire area or via online video calling.
Sessions are then £45 per hour including written notes of what we discussed.
We can act as a parent advocate at meetings and reviews with schools and professionals and support you with decision making.
We work with parents and carers to become the voice of their child. We will organise a pre-meeting session in person, via phone or online video calling so we fully understand the case history, the child's needs and parents' wishes/agenda.
If you prefer to work towards the goals yourself, we can recommend free services and further support for you.
If you are struggling with healthcare referrals or assessments, or want to find out about support for your child, we can give guidance on how to proceed.
We can give advice to parents and carers on how to liaise with education settings in person, via email or online video calling.
If you have a child with a disability, we can advise you of your right to an Early Help Assessment through social services, and support you throughout the process.
Having a child with SEN impacts upon family life in many ways, our 'coaching' sessions help families to clarify their goals and put plans in place to achieve them.