Consultancy for schools and families of children with special needs

Helping you design success!
Helping you design success!
For in-home support, advocacy and school based services
We believe all children have a right to the best education for them, and that all staff should have access to support and training that enables them to do their job to the best of their ability.
We are committed to enabling and empowering families of children with additional needs to make the best decisions for their child and to effectively supporting them in the home and community.
We do not have a magic wand or a cure for special needs, however we do have the time, knowledge and understanding to teach you the skills to enable your child to reach their full potential. To give you the ability, as a family, to believe in yourselves and provide coping strategies to help your child make sense of the world and feel happy and safe within their home and community.
Does your child have special needs that lead to difficulties with communication and social interaction? We can provide personalised support, resources and strategies.
All behaviour is a form of communication. We work closely with families to understand the function of their child's behaviour and provide proactive strategies to reduce behaviours that challenge.
From early skills such as sitting, waiting and making choices to attending appointments, personal care and accessing the community.
We support families in teaching skills that promote independence.
Modelling strategies for communication and behaviour, managing transitions and reducing sensitivity to sensory inputs. We work alongside parents and families to implement and review the strategies we agree together.
We can help you through the Education, Health and Care planning process, act as a parent advocate at meetings and reviews with schools and professionals and support you with decision making.
We work with siblings to promote tolerance and understanding, whilst enabling them to feel a valued and supported member of the family
You will feel more confident in your decisions, safe in the assurance that you have the knowledge you need and a plan that works.
Whether you needed strategies to reduce meltdowns, or an action plan to work with professionals, you will leave the consultation knowing that you have the answers that you have been looking for.
Your confidence in dealing with those working with your child will increase; putting you in a position to be able to say what you want and your child needs and to advise others on what works for your child.
Those late nights googling for information will be a thing of the past. Eloise has done the research so you don’t have to.
Most importantly, you will be able to enjoy your family life without worrying that you are missing something you should be doing. You will know that your child is being given the right support and is happy, healthy and safe.
SENDS Support CIC is a Community Interest Company registered in England and Wales with company number 11658784